9:22pm            72

My Mood

   Lovie and I went shopping this afternoon and I did not buy a pair of shoes, can you believe it?!?!?!?! NO SHOES, I must have lost my mind! NO SHOES!
   I found out today my uncles wife, my aunt ( she is only 3 months older than me) only has two weeks to one month to live, there is nothing else they can do for her. She has lung cancer. Her doctor told her that is she would have stopped smoking ten years ago she probably would not have it. She wet though having a lung removed and kemo while pregnant! I do not know what my uncle is going to do after she is gone, he will have to finish raising all three girls on his own! I feel so bad that I have not seen her in a long time, my thoughts and prayers are with her and the family.
   My no sleep is slowing coming back! GRRRrrrrrrr! I hope it does not get as bad as it was, I love my sleep!!!! I took a sleeping pill last night to get some rest. I am feeling sleepy now, so I guess I better hit the hay and get some sleep while I can! Have a giggly night!

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