8:35 pm      34

   We had a good wkend at the campground. Lovie and bro in law boiled crawfish!!!! VERRA YUMMY!!! They had a good size to them also being it is early in the season! I do believe we laughed more than we ate though! ~*giggle*~
   Tonight American Idol started! So far so good and funny. We enjoy the bad ones as much as the good ones. The bad ones really have great self confidence to go on there!!! I salute them!
   I have been suffering with pleurisy since late Friday night. Thank goodness Momma had some heat patches, which helped verra much! I will be glad when it is gone!
   I better close for now, American Idol is about over, we are going to watch The Village (ekkkkkk) before we go to bed!! Have a giggly night!

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