8:09pm      60

   OMG!!! The Simple Life started tonight!! I am watching it NOW!!! TOO FUNNY! I can not believe they put them in another police car!!!!!! OMG!!!!! I just saw a commercial for the movie Boogie Man! Now I will not sleep well !
   Pawpaw is doing alot better. He is still at the same hospital, and will be there for another three to four days! My brother is in the ER at another hospital now!!! He could not breath so they called an ambulance for him. We were scared it was his heart, he had a problem with micro valve prolasp a few years back! He found out he is hypoglycemic. He has lost a little over 70 pounds over the past few months, I guess this made him hypoglycemic!?!?!?! He is waiting for another blood test now, and they should let him come home in a bit. Please keep him in you thoughts and prayers!
   Tomorrow is Pawpaw's 81st birthday!!! We will go visit tomorrow and take him a gift!!! We are going out to eat with Lovie's mom tomorrow night. It will be crawfish of course!! YUM!
   I am feeling some what better! I was in the bed all day yesterday with hives! I called my doctor and he called me in some Alegria, and told me that if they do not clear up to come in. Today I am hive free so far!!! I hope that I have this under control with the meds and switching fabric softener!!!! No more Downy Simple Pleasures for me!!!
   I am PMSing!! Lovie brought me a Dr Pepper and some chocolate!! Here I sit with a heart full of delightful choclates, a Dr Pepper reading The Ultimate Weight Solution by Dr Phil....OMG what is wrong with this picture!!!!

   Well I am going to sit here and watch some more TV and then it is off to bed with my meds!!! have a giggly night!!!

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