11:13pm      57

   Here I sit eating a Hershey bar and peanut butter like I got good since! I was sleepy! Now I will be awake for a bit I am sure! Aghwk!
   The weather was really rainy today! the wind was bad too! And it was COLD all day, even though it was in the fifties today, it was still bone chilling cold! It looks like the rain will stick around all wkend, which is a real bummer!!! BR has some great parades this wkend!
   I feel great about myself today!!! I got the laundry done, folded and put away! YAHOO!!!!!! When Lovie cam in he helped me rearrange my / the quest room. I LOVE to deep clean and reorganize, it is like a fresh new start! Makes ya feel good!
   Well I am coming down from my sugar high and I have run out of things to say because I was on a sugar high and keep getting up away from this ~*giggle*~ So have a giggly night and a gigglier wkend!!!!

Happy Mardi Gras!

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