A three hour tour...

10:42pm         64


     Yeap...It's almost time for our cruise! It seems like yesterday we were booking it, now we leave on Saturday! WOW!!! We are SOOOOOO ready to go. I have just about everything packed, hurt my back in the process of it all, but what's new!?!?
     I stayed in the bed flat of my back since Friday night, taking meds. I got out yesterday and today to go tan. I have been moving slowly and not lifting on anything! Lovie has been helping me with the house, don't know what I would do without him!
     I have been dreaming about my sister a lot lately. They are happy dreams, we are always shopping and laughing. I pray that we will get back to that place one day. I just have a fear that day will never come, and it will be too late. I miss her so much and I would hate it is something happened to one of us before this is resolved.
     Well..Better get back flat of my back...Don't want to be walkin' like Fred Sanford for the cruise come Saturday! UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!


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