10:56 am
Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! It got cold fast last night! I went out around 6pm and it was very hummid! Went back out around 8pm and it was WINDY and COLD!!!!! The temp droped 20 degrees in 20 minutes!!!! It is Chilli Willie!
I have so much to do! I MUST get my ironing done today and get to packing! We are going to the campground Wednesday!!!! I still have alot of painting I need to get done, and I really can not bring it out to the campground to do it!!! To much goin on out there for me to have time to sit and paint!!!
I wish we could have went to Georgia with Chris' gradparents and aunt's family to see his Momma!! They are all going to a cabin in North Georgie to have Thanksgiving! But with Chris just staring this job a few months ago, money it tight and he has no vacation!!!! Maybe next year!
Well need to get busy with the ironing!!!! Have a great day!

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