3:49pm      75

   4 days!!! OH... I can not wait!! I have been packing more today, and this later today Lovie and I are going to finish our shopping! We are ready to go NOW, but 4 more days... 4 more days... I do not think I can contain myself much longer ~*giggle*~
   I made a painful day for myself yesterday I did a hurry up, dry shave over my lower legs Sunday and it gave me razor rash! I have not had this in a verra long time, I had forgot how painful it can be. Well yesterday I wanted to Veet my legs then put on my self tanner. Well...Not two seconds after applying the Veet hair remover, it started to BURN I hurried and ran the plastic not razor over my legs, my legs were bleeding form the pours!!!!!!!!! OUCH!!!!!!!!!!! I jumped in the tub and tried to get the rest of it off as fast as I could. My legs burned the rest of the day and I could not let anything touch them! I will not make that mistake EVER again! Whew!
   Off to the shower, have a great rest of your day and a great night! 4 more days... 4 more days!

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